FUMC’s ministry teams are composed of people who want to help organize our ministry in a particular area. Team members usually serve for 3 years. If you’re interested in serving on a team, or just want to learn more, contact one of our pastors or call the church office.
Celebration The Celebration Team works with our pastors, musicians, and worship leaders to plan special worship services and to prayerfully offer feedback and ideas about our worship services.
Church Council Church Council brings together representatives from all of our ministries once a month to coordinate the work of the church, discuss the church’s vision and direction, and vote on issues that need broader consideration.
Education Our Education Team prayerfully considers what our children and adults need to learn about God, and organizes curriculum, teachers, and supplies. They also oversee our annual Vacation Bible School.
Fellowship Our Fellowship Team organizes activities for fellow Christians to get to know each other better, so that we can deepen our relationships as brothers and sisters in Christ.
Finance Our Finance Committee oversees our budget and manages our finances, ensuring that we have the financial resources for our ministry and that funds are handled ethically and responsibly. They encourage our congregation in being faithful stewards of our resources.
Lay Leadership Together with our pastors, the Lay Leadership Team meets in October and November to discern the gifts of our people and invite them to serve.
Legacy Committee oversees our Endowments and Memorials. FUMC’s Endowment Fund is made up of gifts and bequests that we invest for future growth. These funds are not used for day-to-day church operations; they are meant to extend our congregation’s outreach beyond our routine. The Endowment Committee administers and stewards this fund. To learn more about endowments check out The United Methodist Foundation. Memorials are given as a gift to the church in honor or memory of a loved one, and it’s important for the church to exercise good stewardship with these gifts. This committee prayerfully discerns how memorial gifts can best be used to support FUMC’s ministry.
Membership Care This team cares for our congregation in a variety of ways. They deliver welcome bags to visitors, reach out to inactive members, send care packages to our college kids and those active in the military, and pray for and send cards to those who are hospitalized or on the prayer chain.
Preschool Board Our Preschool Board supports the ministry of FUMC’s Preschool through prayer, by hiring and supporting our director and aides, managing the budget, making policy decisions, and otherwise helping to make the Preschool a vibrant part of FUMC. Preschool parents can often find Board members serving cookies and juice at Preschool programs.
Staff Parish Relations Committee Through prayer, nurture, evaluation, and encouragement, the SPRC supports our staff and pastors in doing their work. They help pastors and staff set priorities, solve problems, and work together with the congregation. The SPRC also supports people from our congregation who are exploring ordained ministry.
Trustees A church is much more than a building, our building is one of our resources for ministry. Our building offers a space for us to worship, houses a Preschool, provides a safe, warm place for community groups. Our Trustees keep our building safe, accessible, energy-efficient, and well-maintained.