United Methodist Preschool provides a Christian atmosphere where young children have the opportunity to learn through play during center and group activities. The value of sharing, caring for themselves, others, and the world around them are fostered through various activities including Bible stories and Christian music. We consistently hear feedback that children who attend our program are well-prepared for kindergarten.
United Methodist Preschool is proud to have teachers that meet high standards for training and education, and our program and equipment meet strict regulations for safety and quality.
School begins the week before Labor Day each year, with an Orientation Week held the week prior to school starting. Attending Orientation with your child is a wonderful opportunity for your child to become familiar with teachers, while parents/caregivers remain in the classroom while reviewing further paperwork and policies and have time to ask questions of the director/teacher.
All classes follow Morris School District #54’s schedule of days off, holidays, and snow days.
We offer the following classes for children that turn 3 before 9/1/24:
3 yr old AM class: Tues/Thurs 9:00-11:00 AM $135/month
We offer the following classes for children that turn 4 before 9/1/24:
4 Yr Old AM Class: Mon/Wed/Friday 9:00 – 11:30 AM $160.00/month
4 Yr Old PM Class: Tues/Thurs 12:30 - 3:00 PM $145.00/month
We begin registration in February for the upcoming school year. We follow a tiered registration process for current families, former families, alumni, church members, and the general public.
We enroll new students throughout the year as space allows. Please contact us any time throughout the school year as you are looking for a preschool for your child.
Call the church office at (815) 942-0809 or email at preschool@morrisumc.org with any questions! We would LOVE to set up a time for you to bring your child to visit United Methodist Preschool.
**Your child may not attend class without all 4 items completed.**
A School Supply list is available here. School supplies are brought to class at Orientation in August.